Saturday, August 28, 2010

Guide to Climbing Denali

(First Paragraph best read while listening to Oh Fortuna By: Carl Orff)

How exactly must one prepare himself to climb the most massive of all North America’s wondrous peaks? How does one assemble enough cardio, muscle and mental strength to conquer one of the world’s most chilling and dangerous mountains? Prior to my June 2010 expedition I trained at least 5 days a week, sometimes twice a day, to have the sheer physical power to pull myself, sled and massive pack up the slopes of Mt McKinley. I saturated my mind and soul with literature dating back to the very first successful summit led by Hudson Stuck in 1913. I studied the very route that Bradford Washburn himself pioneered in the early 1950s. I trained in cold weather to help realize the feeling of the mountain’s frozen breathe as its exhalations grow more frigid the higher in elevation we trudge. I felt like I was more than prepared mentally and physical to successfully triumph this year long goal of standing at 20,320 ft.
Shortly after arriving at base camp I began to realize where my training was lacking and what could have used more attention. In the following paragraph I am handing you the secret to successfully summitting the crown jewel of North America. Follow closely, for the next paragraph may be the deciding factor between success and failure.

You can begin this new type of training by preparing your home and surrounding area for like conditions. The initial preparation for your training may be the most important step in creating a more worthy YOU.
(Note: Your best training will be done in the winter)

Step 1: Obtain a Small Pot or Tupperware and Line it with a Plastic Bag.
(Check for holes)

  • This new device you have created is for practicing taking a shit everywhere on the mountain but 14,000ft Camp. This step is best practiced in a public setting. Places best for practicing this technique may be a park, a grocery store, or even the local movie theater. You first want to train using your new toilet by hovering over the pot to ensure your ass cheeks do not come in contact with the rim. At this point in your training you definitely don’t want to be walking around with a circle of shit on the outer reaches of your ass cheeks. In subsequent weeks you need to begin to sit on the rim of your pot and really start to enjoy having shit just mere inches from your brown eye. Be sure to use just enough toilet paper to leave a little shit in your ass to marinate and begin to burn later on in the day. The duck walk that begins to occur after a burning asshole ensues also helps for training in walking in your snow shoes. It is also very important to practice this technique in the hottest place imaginable. It may be harder for some of you North Westerners but you can seek out a local BBQ joint, most of those places have massive smokers that may reach the temperatures found on a sunny day. The BBQ joint will be perfect when you can’t decide between training or going to dinner. When you have filled your plastic bag completely to the brim with shit, tie the top of it in a knot making sure you get a tiny bit of the shit on your fingertips, just 2 or 3 fingers will work perfectly! Throw the full bag into a drinking well or the neighbor’s pool. Some of the cold weather techniques outlined in the following paragraph MUST be added in the weeks approaching your climb

Step 2: Dig a 1ft Diameter Hole in Your Front Yard and Mark it with Some Sort of Stick with a Flag on it. Best utilized 6 weeks before you leave for your expedition.

  • This hole is your new shitter. It is very vital to build some sort of barrier around your hole that doesn’t hide anything but your feet. It is also crucial to only have your barrier up at random times; make sure you are shitting in the wide open air most times. You will only shit in this hole twice a day and you can only shit when your neighbors are outside watching. Pick a time of the day when the kids are walking home from school, your next door neighbor is outside washing his car, or when Miss Smith is taking the boys to soccer practice. It is very important when squatting to not fall into the hole. Your leg muscles need to be strong enough to hike 2000 vertical feet then squat at a 90 degree angle without shitting in your underwear that are currently wrapped around your ankles. Also a superb technique is to gently rest your nut sack on a baggy of ice (a bag of frozen peas work as well) and then turn on a fan and point it directly in front of your “setup,” this technique best mimics the frigid temperatures and draftiness that occurs high on the mountain.

Step 3: Take Your Favorite Cup or Bottle and with a Permanent Maker Draw a Big “P” on the Top and Sides.

  • This bottle is pretty self explanatory; this is where you will be pissing for the remainder of your training in the months before your expedition. The most crucial detail of this exercise is when you have to take a piss, you must lay in your bed while doing so. There are a few techniques to master while doing this, it is best to have a friend lay in the bed next to you and turn his head when you begin to urinate. Also, remember to use no hands for support at anytime during this exercise. You need to continue pissing in your “P” bottle until you fill it to the top, no sooner. It is also good practice to leave any spilt urine in your bed in any case that some hits your blankets. Some people take this exercise a step further by throwing extra bottles in the bed with your “P” bottle and playing a bit of Russian roulette. The way you do this is by taking a sip from the first bottle you grab, no matter what. Not my favorite part of training but will get you use to piss inside your mouth when your 5 senses start to diminish at 17,000ft camp and above.

Step 4: Stop Taking any Kind of Showers and Seize All Washing of Hands. (Note: May affect social life)

  • This is going to be one of the hardest steps in your new training regimen. Loss of friends, girlfriend, and job may occur… which could be a good thing, more time to train! At no point in your training do you wash your body. You may purchase baby ass wipes and wipe your armpits every few days. When your aroma begins to be too much even for yourself to smell, you are on the right track. When you wake up in the middle of the night to have your friend turn his head so you can piss, you want to almost vomit at the sheer ferociousness of the air that is being expelled from your sheets. There are a few other small factors that tie indirectly into this step. When you begin to have an urge to fart you can do one of two things. First, get a jar or sandwich bag and release your inner ass into one of these and quickly shove your face into it, ensuring that you receive every shit particle directly into your nostrils. This can also be practices with sniffing your friends bag or jar as well. Second, instead of using the tried and true bag/jar method you can do the classic “Dutch Oven” technique. This is very simple, when you feel the urge, jump into bed and tightly pull the covers over your head creating a seal to ensure sufficient suckage with each and every subsequent inhalation. Another important thing to practice in cleanliness is eating. Day one of training you need to pick your favorite bowl and spoon or fork and ONLY use these two items during the remainder of your training. At no point during training do you wash these items. You can chip away at old food stuck in your bowl but at NO time do you actually give these a good cleaning. It is very important to get your pallet used to eating a multitude of old food mixed together in your 48th bowl of oatmeal or grits.

There are a few more things you MUST remember to practice before you leave for your expedition. These are all VERY important in your success but don’t deserve their own Step like the ones above. Be sure to be constantly pulling something when walking around your house or out on the town. You want to make sure that your lower back is constantly strained and never 100%. I would suggest something like a shopping cart with no wheels, it might be good practice to have the bum you stole it from sit inside and add some weight. When you do decide to hit the gym, which I wouldn’t necessarily recommend unless you have done all these steps beforehand, make sure you get on the stair mill with a great deal of weight and climb on this machine for 11 hours straight, no less. When you are done be sure to go home and sit directly on your tile floor for 10 hrs, only moving to piss in your bed or shit in your hole.

Additional Thoughts:

  • Eat the same exact food for months, don’t stray and have any fresh food.
  • Ask random people to hear their life stories.
  • Brush your teeth when you feel like it, you have no one to impress.
  • Break your iPod day 3 of training.
  • Drain all camera batteries but leave 1/4 charge in one.
  • Do not change your underwear until your shit stain is visible when pissing.
  • Get rid of all attractive women in your life.
  • Put enough clothes on so your frozen wiener can barely make it out the zipper when pissing.
  • Swear off alcohol
  • Begin to learn the Metric system so foreigners don’t think you are a stupid American any more than they already do.
  • Every few days grind your feet with sand paper.
  • Read books that you would never read at any point in your life, 3 times a book.

Now that you know the secret to climbing Denali I will personally GUARANTEE you a summit on your next expedition. Good luck to all of those that try and others, you can mimic this training for fun or to switch up your current training regimen.

You’re Welcome!

Adam Scott

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Driver's Wanted:

So does anyone know the prerequisite for being a driver in Arizona’s public transportation system? Valley Metro must spend a great deal of time and effort finding their high school dropouts to drive their buses. I mean I’m not knocking high school dropouts, but why do you have to be a complete fuck head while picking me up late from one of your miserably hot, hobo living, shit stained bus stops? I don’t ride the bus but once a month so I don’t know that you hiked up your already ridiculously high fares to fuck the public in the ass yet again. SO, when I ask “Is the fare still $1.25?” all you have to do is say a number or no. You don’t have to look at me through your purple lensed Ray Ban knock-offs and with the shittiest attitude say, “NO $1.75!” and slap your crack pipe holding hand against a midget heighted sign saying “$1.75.” Sorry, but that wasn’t the first thing I looked at while stepping upon your roach rocket and staring in the eyes of the guy who probably killed Miss Daisy!

We are paying you a pricey fare to sit on your 1mph bus and listen to you be rude to every single person that steps on the bus. If you hate your life that much, go to community college, stay at home, or do something that doesn’t involve interacting with human beings on a daily basis. If I want to ask you where the next stop is, fucking answer me, don't act like I just shot your sun drenched Beanie Baby you have sitting on your dashboard. Just because you live at home by yourself and talk to your cats like that, doesn’t mean you can talk to me like that.

2: Buy Your Fare
3: Enjoy Yourself…..Go Fuck Yourself

-Rev. Atom

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Breeding on Loves Behalf

Duct tape, staples, morals…. All ways to not have a baby like EVERYONE else.

Now lets begin like this. I love kids, I’ve worked with kids, I like to hang out with kids, and I just got a badass new nephew. The new addition to the family is the greatest thing since sliced bread stuck together with Velcro covered in Tang. SO, he is the shit and will be my next climbing partner when the little chap is old enough. Having a kid is not what this is about. This is a question of timing, age, and accidental injection.
For all of you crazy motherfuckers that decide to have a baby at a young age or accidently after not bagging your rig after too many Pink Pussy shots at your local Bang n’ Brew... Am I missing something? Am I not doing something right? Why would you want to bring your spawn into the country’s worst depression since 1930? Wait a few years when you can afford baby formula while simultaneously paying rent on your apartment. The fact is every single person I know has a baby or is literally pregnant at this point in time. I get it! I get the fact that kids are cool and are a life changing experience. But most of the time they happen on accident. How the hell do you get knocked up on accident? Don’t you crazy fuckers do your dirty deed in a safe… and freaky fashion? I just can’t imagine having a child right now, maybe I’m self centered and not ready to be a grown up. Or maybe I’m smart and safe when it comes to getting my “hump on.” When you get wasted and choose to go home with Miss Spredegle or Mr. Sexandtell don’t be an idiot and screw a kid from a “normal” childhood by not even knowing the name of the person you just took home. Have some class. Go to a movie eat something that closer resemble popcorn not pussy.
If you are CHOOSING to have a baby in a committed relationship, then more power to you. However, you’re still fucking crazy! Everyone I know that is pumping out a shit machine is younger than I am or really close to. Help me understand why I should have a kid before I’m ready at the age of… 40? I will have all my shit together, done all my solo projects, and if I happen to survive all those, I’ll have my own little patron of puke. When I’M ready, not pushed into it, and with my head screwed on straight. Until then, I’ll let you know if I fuck up before the ripe old age of 40. I’m finally done speaking on behalf of my brain and will naturally abort this blog. Thanks.
-Rev. Atom

ps a baby is not a handbag or the sexy new hairstyle, it's life. So don't be a d bag.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Becoming More Socially Acceptable

So some of you have asked me what I do to “work out” to “beef up” or to lose the proverbial “last couple pounds” to either,
A: Look better in the swimsuit that you paid too much money for.
B: Impress the secretly self loathing hottie across the bar from you
C: OR SHIT! To get in some kind of shape to improve your health, see the outdoors, and better your BurgerDonaldsWendyArbys Ass.

First things first, put down the fucking bottle of beer, the glass of Jack and Coke, and the Vodka RedBull!

This workout and food intake is primarily how I eat and workout day to day. I tend to workout at least 5 days a week and eat HEALTHY 6 days a week, usually allowing myself to drink and eat what I like for 1 day to keep the sanity. You will find the more and more you workout, the less and less you will want to even touch the junk food. THEN, you will find that your "junk" food once a week will consist of something like... cheese, something that in reality is not that bad at all but since you eat so well now, something stupid like that will seem to be really bad. REMEMBER that is great to get out or push it hard at the gym, but if you don't eat healthy you are pretty much cancelling out your workout for the day. It has to work together or you won’t see the results you are hoping for. Sure, you will get strong and maybe your cardio will get better, but why not have your body change too if all you have to do is eat well? Seems like a really easy way to be happy with the way you look and feel. Remember that you should enjoy what you eat but also think of it as fuel you are putting into your engine. You put tar in a gas tank, it’s not going to make your car run at top performance. You put only the best in the gas tank, you’re going to get much more horsepower much more performance. I like to call how I eat as "eating clean" fresh, lean, low fat, low cal... only the best "fuel". Sure I slip up and eat crap sometimes, but I also bust my ass to be able to do that. If YOU want to lose weight… its simple, you burn more calories than you eat. YOU LOSE WEIGHT... simple

Men: Remember I love the Mountains

Through my entire workout I place Pull-ups wherever I see fit, usually in sets of 10-15. Different hand holds allow for different muscles to be used. I rarely pull with my palms towards me due to it feeling like just a bicep workout. I believe pull ups are one of the most underused core exercises for an overall upper body workout. I do 100 a day, over the span of my workout.

***All workouts are 3 sets of 10 (3/10)- (That’s what I like or 2 sets of 20 (2/20))
Note: Weight doesn’t have to be ridiculously high, just make sure you do all the reps.
Also I like to add more weight after each set.

-Pull Ups - Throughout workout

- Squats 3/10
- Lunges w/ weights 3/10
- Step Ups w/ weights 3/10
- Bicep Curls
- 2 ab workouts 2/20
- Oblique workout 2/20
- Hold a 45lb plate in each hand w/ just fingertips until failure
- Bench or Dumbell Press 3/10

This is a pretty good all body core workout. Calves, Tris, forearms, back, and shoulders are all getting a burn indirectly with this workout. You can do this in any order. In 4-6weeks I switch it up for muscle confusion

-When running on the treadmill always set the incline to at least one.
-When walking on a treadmill I like to set it to the maximum incline.
-Stairmill (my favorite) with my 70-90lb pack I usually go slow and steady but if I have no pack I like to make it burn and get my heart rate up
I generally climb 200 stories in 70 or so minutes

I would start by doing the workout above and 30mins of Cardio a day (eventually moving to an hour a day). You can do cardio before or after the workout above.

I usually gym workouts MWF and TTH I substitute with something fun, mountain biking, slacklining, climbing, any combination, etc. Just nice to get outside into the fresh air.

Now this is just my own personal workout. I do not recommend it to anyone but it is simply how I like to stay in shape. A great book to read and where I get a wealth of knowledge is called “The Abs Diet.” It breaks everything down quite nicely.

Women: Very similar. Read Above in the Dude section to get a good start.
If I were a babe trying to get the attention of a good local deutsch bag I would….

Start with some light Cardio to get the blood pumping and your heart rate up.
CARDIO- I like to do 30min of cardio each time I visit the gym. You can either do 15min before your workout and 15min after. Or you can do 30 min before OR 30min after.
- Treadmill
- Stair Stepper
- Eliptical
- Walking, Jogging, Running

Pull Ups - You can do as many as you can spaced wherever you would like to put them over the course of your entire workout. A lot of gyms have assisting machines if you can’t pull your ass up the bar. Also, if you bend your legs back and have someone hold them, that works as a good assist in a pull up.

All workouts I do I either do 3 sets of 10 reps or 2 sets of 20 reps.
Use light weights and make sure you do all the reps. Push yourself but you are not trying to get buff and stuff… or maybe you are, but women muscles scare me a bit. You can do the following workout two times in a row each rep with a 30sec rest between each. After the entire workout take a two minute rest and go through the whole thing again.

- Tricep kick backs 3/10
- Lunges w/ weights 3/10
- Step Ups w/ weights 3/10
- Bicep Curls 3/10
- 2 abdominal workouts 2/20
- Oblique workout 2/20
- Calve Raises
- Dumbbell Press 3/10

I usually do gym workouts MWF and TTH I substitute with something fun, hard mountain biking, slacklining, climbing, any combination, etc. Just nice to get outside fresh air.

Typical Snack foods:
Easy to buy in bulk and bring to work in snack bags.
-Mini Carrots
Black/Blue Berries
ALL fruit, remember it is a sugar intake
-mini peppers
-100 Calorie packs of anything. Companies have really stepped up in providing 100 cal packs of snacks

- Oatmeal, unsweetened, unflavored
-some cereals are good but just because they are "flakes or O's" doesn’t mean they are healthy. Flip the box and read the facts
-FAT FREE milks. In eating healthy sometimes you have to sacrifice the flavor or richness for health. no biggie, you’ll get use to it.
-Fruits and Vegetables
-bagels, no loaded with cheese, remember these are a carb(sugar) which is fine but you have to burn it off or it will be stored as fat.
-Eggs, WHITES. All the crap is in the yoke

-Chicken breast
-PB sangwich
-Protein shake- You want the most amount of protein with the LOWEST amount of fat, shop around, flip the package.
-Turkey sangwiches
- Hardboiled egg, WHITES. All the crap is in the yoke

-steamed veg
-More chicken (Grilled, NEVER fried)
-Wheat pasta and a healthy sauce
-Make HEALTHY pizzas for something different
- Mix and match get creative.

Sauces, Mayo, Milk
Always get reduced fat and the healthier version.
Like I said it will take getting use to but will taste the same eventually. AND flip to nutritional facts. Just because it says it’s healthy doesn’t mean it is

Only eat wheat. White bread is nothing. When buying wheat make sure that the first or second ingredient is Wheat. A lot of the times they will get white bread and dye it brown.

Lots O water!
Fuck soda
Fuck energy drinks
I like to use equal or fake sugar in things
Get spray butter, look at the facts, it is 0% everything, very healthy
Spinach- superfood
Beans, Legumes
Avoid high sodium

ALL of this info is what I do. Not saying you should but it is what I do. It works for me and I enjoy it. I never get tired of it and if I do I just tweak it a bit.

-Rev. Atom